
Getting crazy with FlipBoom...

What's this? Mr Effects & Filters actually animating? :) I started playing with a tiny little program called FlipBoom (even though I already have Flash) since I always wanted to be a 2D animator when I was a kid. It's a really intuitive and graceful little program that makes doodling some animations really easy and fun. After mucking around for 20-30 minutes I got a little blink and a smile, and a whole boatload of ideas for other little tests. I'll probably post some up in the next week or two.

In other news, I saw a midnight showing of Cloverfield (awesome!), got shoved across an intersection I was walking across by an Escalade (no broken bones), and I'm ready to see a concert in the 8º weather tonight.(Bang!Bang!)


Rocky Vanoost said...

I SOOOO want to play with that program!

Anonymous said...

FlipBoom is great fun...